Deep Pink Ecuador Rose Bouquet
Deep Pink Ecuador Rose Bouquet
Surprise someone special with the exquisite beauty of our premium, large-headed imported pink Ecuador roses, accompanied by lush foliage, elegantly presented either wrapped or in a vase. Simple yet undeniably elegant.
Due to seasonal availability, the foliage selections and color tones may vary.
Caring for Your Flowers
Seasonal changes may bring some variation in flower varieties and colours, but with a little care, you can enjoy your blooms for longer:
Change the water regularly:
Every two days, replace the water in the vase to prevent bacteria from building up.
Trim their stems:
Use sharp scissors or secateurs to cut about 2cm off the stems at a 45-degree angle.
Keep them hydrated:
Flowers need plenty of water, so keep the vase two-thirds full at all times.
Find the perfect spot:
Keep your flowers away from direct sunlight and heat, as these can make them mature too quickly.
A little extra attention will help your flowers stay fresh and beautiful!